An online learning platform for UG students

Academic Affairs brings you the curated Hackathons & Workshops

An online learning platform for Undergraduates

Academic Affairs is a choice-based learning platform, where the students or the beginners can learn by doing, right from the start of their interested program. We are focused on the enhancement and professional skill development of the learners.


Learn and get a profession without leaving home

At Academic affairs, programs follow learn-by-doing methodologies. The programs crafted here, not only bridge the gap between real time projects and students but also, provide a 360 degree exposure to the corporate atmosphere. Hence, we prepare you to  retrace and re-engineer your career on your own terms.

Why Academic Affairs?

Popular Courses

Aenean eget quam sed felis finibus feugiat at et nunc. Aliquam nulla massa, tempus id egestas sed, porta quis odio. Morbi quis orci volutpat, dapibus orci nec, venenatis elit. Donec ac ultrices enim, sit amet porttitor tellus. Proin et arcu sed lectus lacinia semper. Vestibulum ut nisi nisi


by Adrian Dowson school

48 lectures ( 280 Hours)

$120 all course/ $40 monthly

by Adrian Dowson school

48 lectures ( 280 Hours)

$120 all course/ $40 monthly

by Adrian Dowson school

48 lectures ( 280 Hours)

$120 all course/ $40 monthly

Unlimited access to educational materials for subscribers




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